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November 2023

Our 'r kids project is completed and wins an AIA Design Award.

September 2018

Craig Newick and Linda Lindroth sit on a panel discussing Art and Traffic with Connecticut Rides.

December 2017

NEWICK ARCHITECTS wins the Crysalis Award - The Emerging Firm Award from AIA Connecticut.

November 2014

Our Project, "Accessibility" wins an AIA Connecticut Design Award.


January 2016

Craig Newick is invited to sit on the jury for the 2016 Design Awards for AIA Maine.


July 2015

Linda Lindroth & Craig Newick are included in, "Idea, Form, Resonance - 30 Years of Emerging Voices." From the Architecture League of New York, Published by the Princeton Architectural Press.


October 2014

Craig Newick is asked to join the Mayor of New Haven's select committee to review proposals for the the repurposing of the Strong School.


April 2012

As a past winner of the Business Architecture awards from the Connecticut AIA Craig Newick is invited to sit on the jury for this year's awards.

December 2011

Craig Newick sits on the final review for the David Chipperfield studio at Yale with fellow jurors Peter Eisenman, Stanley Tigerman and Tod Williams.

October 2011

Our Water House and Alexander Writing Studio win AIA Connecticut Design Awards.

July 2011

As a past winner (1991) of the Architectural League Prize (formerly the Young Architects' Forum) from the Architecture League of New York, Craig Newick is invited to attend the 30th aniversary reception and opening of this year's exhibition.

Combined with the names on the list of Emerging Voices winners that Craig and Linda won five years later (1996) the group forms a significant overview of the participants in World Architecture.

The Architectural League Prize Winners.


More News:






The Elton Studio wins the Alice Washburn Accessory Building Award 2009 Sponsored by AIA Connecticut and Connecticut Magazine


The Offices of Towers I Golde win the 2010 AIA Connecticut Business Award

In these tumultuous times, our clients are calling on us to examine the work from exacting points of view. Issues of overall building size, efficient use of space, energy and materials are of principal importance.

We have found that by spending slightly more of our budgets on the sophistication of the building envelope, the windows, the construction methods, the insulation and the detailing, we can radically reduce the amount of energy required to condition spaces.

Clients have always come to us with an appreciation of the beauty of what we do. Now we can offer another layer in the capacity of architecture to influence the quality of our lives.

Our mission is coupling efficiency and economy with architectural presence.

Welcome to Newick Architects.



Towers I Golde Entry

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