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The Astronauts Memorial Competition
Cape Canaveral Florida 1988 Third Prize - 850 Entries.
With John Blood
The competition boards. In the upper right, the drawing shows light projected from an aperture in the sail landing on the surface of the dish, coincident with a marker commemorating one of the tragic events.


The bowl and the solar machine. When the visitor arrives at the bottom of the dish, the rim obscures the surroundings and only the sky above is visible.


The solar machine centers on the sun in the morning and follows it across the sky during the day.


The site for the proposed memorial constists of the existing metal buildings of the Cape Canaveral Vistor's Center along NASA parkway. This design removes the visitor from these surroundings by descending along the line of winter solstice to the bottom of a large hemispherical dish which is flush with the surface of an existing reflecting pool. At the center of the dish stands a solar machine which follows the sun across the sky. On the anniversary of a particular tragedy light projecting through the structure is coincident with a commemorative marker set in the surface of the dish.