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October 2011

The Alexander Writing Studio and The Water House win AIA Connecticut Design Awards.


July 2011

As a past winner (1991) of the Architectural League Prize (formerly the Young Architects' Forum) from the Architecture League of New York, Craig Newick is invited to attend the 30th aniversary reception and opening of this years's exhibition.

Combined with the names on the list of Emerging Voices winners that Craig and Linda won five years later (1996) the group forms a significant view of the participants in World Architecture.

The Architectural League Prize Winners.

December 2010 - The Firestone Pavilion appears on

December 2010 - Our Chanukah Houses Project covered on

November 2010 - Newick Architects added toVictoria Lyon's Blog:

September 2010 -The Bunker included in an exhibition and symposium on the Atlantic Wall, Dutch Cultural Institute, Holland
September 2010 - The Firestone Pavilion wins a 2010 AIA Connecticut Design Award
May 2010 - The Offices of Towers I Golde win the 2010 AIA Connecticut Business Award
April 10, 2009: Newick Architects wins the Alice Washburn Accessory Building Pize for the Elton Studio. Sponsored by AIA Connecticut and Connecticut Magazine


September 19, 2007: Newick Architects wins a 2007 AIA Connecticut Design for the Building 51 Stair..

September 30, 2005: Newick Architects wins a 2005 AIA Connecticut Design Citation for the Colman-Macri House.

The annual awards program recognizes outstanding design built in Connecticut or by Connecticut architects.
March 9 - June 6, 2005 Linda Lindroth will participate in the
exhibition and panel discussion of "Artists on the Edge: Douglass
College and the Rutgers MFA" to be held at the Mabel Smith Douglass
Library under the auspices of the Mary H. Dana Women Artists Series.
New Brunswick. NJ Info: 732-932-9407 ext. 26

June 2004 Linda Lindroth and Craig Newick presented the installation of
"High Jump on the Moon Objects from A Conference on Measurement" at
the Greene Art Gallery at the Yale School of Art for the International
Festival of Arts and Ideas in New Haven. The installation of High Jump
was part of a larger exhibition entitled "Shifting Affinities" dealing
with the subject of science and art.
January 2004: Renovations to the classroom building at the Guilford Handcraft Center are completed and the building opens with a series of special workshops entitled, "Saturdays in Studio 6".
April 2003: Linda Lindroth receives a grant from the John Anson Kitterage Foundation to support study in the south west United States.

February 2002: Lindroth + Newick were invited by the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis Minnesota to participate in a project competition entitled The Telematic Table. The project, sponsored by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, asks a select group of artists, architects and designers to make propositions for a new kind of social interface for new media experiences which support the exhibition program of the museum. The museum is currently in the design stage of an addition to the original Edward Larabe Barnes building to be completed in 2005. Designed by the Swiss architects Herzog and deMuron, the new building intends to integrate new media in all possible ways.


February 2002: Eyebeam announces winner of Open Source Architecture: Building Eyebeam. From an original competitors list of thirteen, three firms, Leeser Architects, Diller + Scofidio, and MVRDV were selected to participate in the the final round of design development. Diller + Scofidio have now been selected as the winners of the competition. Craig Newick was co-director with David Hotson of the competition, director of the on-line forum and moderator of the Symposium held in conjunction with The Center for New Design at Parsons in December 2001. He is currently organizing a book compiling the text of the on-line forum.